Dr. Joel Wallach’s Dead Doctors Don’t Lie Radio Show 20.08.19

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing mass killers. Outlining several past cases where someone killed people without using a firearm. Stating that a study was done in Texas finding that in counties where there was a lot of domestic violence the water was lacking a certain mineral. Asserting that all school children should be given a hair analysis to determine if they are low in that mineral.

Dr. Joel Wallach’s Dead Doctors Don’t Lie Radio Show 19.08.19

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing mass shootings. Contending that his book "Rare Earth's Fobidden Cures" chapter six explains his theory about why people are violent. Stating that a study done in Texas found that counties where there is a lot of violence the water tested to be low in one mineral. Asserting that all kids should be given a hair analysis each year to determine if they are low in this mineral.

Dr. Joel Wallach’s Dead Doctors Don’t Lie Radio Show 13.08.19

Dr. Joel Wallach begins the show discussing absorbtion of nutrients. Asserting that many Americans are not absorbing their nutrients even if they are taking them. Contending those who aren't supplementing are deficient because there are no nutrients in the foods today. As it only takes three minerals to grow crops and the soils are depleted. Also due to damage to the intestines because of gluten intolerance those getting nutrients aren't absorbing them.